Home » How Does Sports Dentistry Protect Your Smile?
Playing sports is good for the body and mind, but if you don’t take care of your teeth, sport can be dangerous. Sports dentistry can help you keep your smile safe, prevent injuries, and make sure your mouth remains healthy. Here is why mouthguards are important, how sports can damage your teeth, and some tips for you to have a healthy mouth while you play.
Football and other sports can be rough,even less contact-heavy activities like cycling, still pose a risk of dental injuries, from chipping to cracking, or even knocking out, teeth. One thing you can do to reduce your risk is to protect your mouth.
Mouth guards are the best way to protect your teeth against injury while playing sport. As a cushion of soft material, they help absorb the impact from the face and teeth. Custom-made mouth guards fit your teeth perfectly, offer the optimal protection and are very comfortable, thereby encouraging athletes to use them regularly.
A mouthguard that is custom-made for you can be a huge boost to comfort and safety. A sports dentist can make mouth guards that fit your mouth perfectly, therefore offering a better level of shock absorption, and lowering the risk of injury. Custom guards also help prevent concussions and other head injuries.
Your dental hygiene is very much related to your level of health and your game. If your mouth is not in good shape, you will feel like you have an inflammation all over your body, and your game will really suffer. So, it is very important to go see your dentist on a regular basis, get your fluoride treatments, and get your cleaning done.
Hydration is important for athletes, and the same goes for your mouth. Mouths need saliva to protect teeth, and not drinking enough water can actually lower your saliva production. The lack of saliva can lead to more cavities and gum disease. So, drink more water and watch your mouth become healthier.
When you’ve finished playing, it is important to be sure that you brush your teeth and remove all the bacteria and food left in your mouth with fluoride toothpaste and flossing at night. You might like to consider using antibacterial mouthwash, as this will give you an extra defence against infections and will help to keep your mouth healthy.
In conclusion, coaches, athletes and parents should be aware of the risks of sports for oral health and how to prevent problems from occurring by using mouthguards, having regular dental check-ups and maintaining adequate oral hygiene.
Yet, sports dentistry is not just about protecting your teeth, it is about protecting the mouth and helping you to play at your best. When you are an athlete, you want to keep your smile safe and healthy. By using properly fitted mouthguards, maintaining optimal oral health and seeing the dentist regularly, you can protect your smile on the field. A strong, healthy smile is an important asset on and off the field.
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