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Single Dental Implant Manchester

Missing a tooth? You’re not alone. Millions of people experience tooth loss due to various reasons, from accidents and decay to gum disease. But at Orthodontics Manchester, we believe you shouldn’t have to settle for a gap in your smile. That’s why we offer the latest in single dental implant technology, helping you regain confidence and complete your smile with a natural-looking, permanent solution.

What are Single Dental Implant ?

Think of dental implants as titanium roots for your missing tooth, offering strength, bone integration, and rust resistance. Acting as sturdy anchors for custom crowns, they not only restore function and aesthetics but also prevent bone loss by stimulating growth. Unlike traditional alternatives, implants feel and function like natural teeth, providing a strong and natural-looking solution for a complete smile makeover.

Why Choose Orthodontics Manchester?

  • Natural-looking results
  • We will help you to Improve oral health
  • Enhanced comfort and confidence
  • Durable and long-lasting
single implant

Our Single Implant Process

We’ll carefully assess your oral health and discuss your goals to determine if implants are the right solution for you.

Treatment planning: Our team will create a personalised treatment plan, including 3D digital imaging and simulations.

Implant placement: Using gentle, minimally invasive techniques, our experienced dentist will expertly place the implant into your jawbone.

Crown or restoration: After the implant heals, we’ll craft a custom-made crown or restoration that perfectly matches your existing teeth.

Is Single Dental Implant Your chosen Treatment?

Find out what solution suits you most, call us on 0161 428 2355 to find out more information or to book your free consultation today!


With proper care and maintenance, single dental implants can last a lifetime. They are designed to be a permanent solution for tooth replacement.

Yes, one of the significant advantages of single dental implants is that they allow you to eat a wide variety of foods with confidence. They are securely anchored in the jawbone, providing stability and strength for chewing.

While some dental practices offer same-day implant procedures, they typically involve immediate implant placement and temporary restorations. However, the final restoration may require additional appointments for fabrication and placement.

Yes, single dental implants are often used to replace missing front teeth due to their natural appearance and ability to restore aesthetics and function effectively.

Yes, the dental crown attached to the implant is custom-made to match the colour, shape, and size of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking smile.

What our Patients say?

Dear Dr Shabs. This is just a note to say thank you SO MUCH for everything you’ve done for me and my disasterous teeth! Ever since I smashed my front teeth in freshers week I felt like I’ve been in the best possible hands! However, I’ve just finished a teaching course and am going to go and teach English in Jordan in two weeks time and therefore have had to register somewhere else 🙁 Whenever I’m back living in Manchester again though, I’ll be back. Cheers again, Helen (the one who does Arabic)
John Smith
Head of ACME