Home » Can I Eat Christmas Food with Braces?
Whether you are having braces put on, or you are getting braces to improve the health of your teeth, the food you eat is very important. Not only can eating the right food help you maintain a healthy mouth, but it can also extend the life of your braces. However, there are some foods you should avoid when wearing braces.
Biting on crunchy foods can hurt your braces, and it can also chip your teeth. Instead, try to chew on soft foods that are less likely to hurt your braces. One way to do this is to cut them into small pieces. You can also prepare them in advance by boiling them or baking them. In fact, boiling your vegetables is a great idea for people with braces. Brussel sprouts (although almost universally despised by children at Christmastime) are ideal, as they are often prepared by boiling, and are easy to cut into smaller pieces.
You should also be careful of hard and sticky foods. One of the most common braces damage culprits around Christmas time is candy cane, as this sweet is very hard and requires an unusual amount of force to chew, which can strain your braces and cause further damage.
It’s a good idea to brush your teeth before and after you eat. This helps get rid of any food particles in between your teeth. Flossing your teeth is also a good idea. When you floss, make sure to remove any plaque. This helps prevent tooth decay.
When you do eat hard or sticky foods, be sure to break them into smaller pieces. Ideally, you should chew them with the back side of your teeth. This will minimise the risk of them getting stuck in your braces. This also helps ensure that you’ll be able to eat them safely.
An example of a sticky food that you will have to be careful with is Christmas pudding. This is soft, so if you cut it up into smaller pieces it should be manageable, but it is easy to get stuck in your braces, and opting for a different dessert like a yule log might be easier to manage.
Fruits and vegetables are considered to be good for you, but are still best eaten in moderation. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are a good source of fibre. They can also be steamed or boiled, which will make them soft enough to eat.
It’s also a good idea to drink smoothies. They are packed with vitamins and minerals, and are a nice alternative to drinking soda or sugary juices. You should also be careful of a smoothie that contains too much sugar. This can create a build-up of plaque on your teeth, which will eventually lead to cavities.
When you are first having your braces put on, your mouth may be sore and it may be difficult to eat. This is especially true if you have to bite into something crunchy. Some Christmas foods are actually ideal for this and having a Christmas meal of tenderly cooked turkey, potatoes and cooked/cut vegetables is a great way to enjoy Christmas without feeling left out or damaging your braces.
If you are unsure which foods are sensible for you to eat, contact your orthodontist. At Manchester Orthodontics, we will be more than happy to give you advice.
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